Noted classical scholar and popular historian Adrian Goldsworthy will speak Wednesday as part of Mississippi State’s Distinguished Scholar Series.
Assistant history professor William Hay said classical studies at MSU and its history of inviting scholars on the subject to the university is important.
“Mississippi State has a strong interest in the ancient world,” he said. “Classical and Biblical archeology are fields covered by faculty including Paul Jacobs and others working with Cobb Institute.”
Hay said he thinks Goldsworthy’s topic will be interesting.
“Last spring, Barry Strauss from Cornell University gave a talk on his book about Spartacus, and the response was so positive that we invited another scholar of Ancient Rome to share his work,” he said.
Hay said Goldsworthy has gained prominence through his published works.
“Goldsworthy published a very well-regarded biography of Julius Caesar, and his latest book is a study of how the Roman Empire fell,” he said.
Hay said classical studies were once part of the central curriculum and modern culture.
“Even popular culture keeps that interest alive, so we’re very pleased to have a distinguished specialist on campus to share his work,” he said.
Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences Gary Myers said the lecture series has been around for a while.
“It was set up six years ago to bring in accomplished scholars, artists and musicians,” he said.
Myers said so far the program has been successful.
“The lecture series has gone extremely well. Our last speaker drew over 220 people to hear the lecture,” he said.
Myers said he is glad Goldsworthy will be speaking at MSU.
“One of our faculty members met Dr. Goldsworthy at a conference and he later helped to contact him to speak at our university.”
Myers also said he thinks this lecture will go quite well.
“We think this will be another very good speaker, he is a very high-powered academic from Oxford University and we think it will be quite good,” he said.
Freshman history major Tom Rollins said he is excited about the event.
“I have seen Dr. Goldsworthy on the History Channel before, and it will be great to meet him in person,” he said.
Distinguished historian visits MSU
Alexander Habighorst
October 13, 2009