Monday, Feb. 26
10:11 a.m. Student reported his bicycle as stolen while at Harned Hall.
10:36 a.m. Student reported that his car had been scratched while parked in the Humphrey Coliseum parking lot.
2 p.m. Student was arrested for possession of marijuana on Lynn Lane.
4:30 p.m. Student reported that the front passenger-side door handle of his vehicle had been broken off.Tuesday, Feb. 27
2:42 p.m. A loud noise was reportedly heard near the post office. Upon arrival, nothing out of the ordinary was found.
Wednesday, Feb. 28
11:51 a.m. Student reported being verbally harassed by her roommate at 21 Apartments.
12:16 p.m. Student reported being approached by an unknown male on while walking down Barr Avenue.
6:40 p.m. Student reported that his vehicle had been damaged at Cresswell Hall.
10:29 p.m. Visitor was arrested for identity theft.
Thursday, March 1
12:02 a.m. Student was arrested for public drunkeness on Main Street.
Bad Dawgs, Feb. 26-March 1
March 2, 2007