Life is so busy these days-full of stress, panicking over papers and projects. Often, I spend my days rushing from activity to activity and my nights catching up on homework. This is what my college life routine has developed into over the past three years. But, you know, I don’t find it all that overwhelming.
I definitely don’t like stress, and I don’t like the dark circles that appear under my eyes whenever I get less than six hours of sleep. However, I decided a long time ago that you can’t let that get to you. It’s better to simply enjoy every day for what it is.
Now, I’m not saying I don’t have bad days. Oh, I do. But I have learned that, even in the worst circumstances, there is always something to be appreciated. It’s all about perspective.
Last night, I had a moment of pure bliss. If you’ve ever been to The Grill and had the mashed potatoes, then you know what I’m talking about. I don’t know what exactly, but there’s just something about that dish that brings a smile to my face. The smell, the consistency, the taste-it’s wonderful. And it’s enough to brighten any day.
You’re probably laughing at me by now. That’s good! I hope you are. That’s my point here. I want you to be able to enjoy life, not be overwhelmed by it. Find a little humor in every day. Take the time to savor simple pleasures that are often forgotten-like mashed potatoes.
Enjoying simple pleasures doesn’t mean you’re simple-minded. In fact, Oscar Wilde once put this line into one of his works: “I adore simple pleasures. They are the last refuge of the complex.” In our insanely busy lives, sometimes it is immensely soothing to take a step back and take a moment to savor something.
It doesn’t even have to be anything grand or awe-inspiring. Finding a letter in my mailbox can completely make my day. Even a nice smell, such as someone grilling out, can brighten my mood.
These little happy moments can make a bad day bearable and a good day incredible. They won’t always jump out at you; sometimes you’ll have to look for them. But when you start keeping an eye out for these little details, you soon begin noticing more and more. It’s simple but delightful.
Humor is another intrinsic part of most of my days. Being able to laugh at yourself and your circumstances is indeed a valuable quality. It really reduces your stress.
For example, I tend to be rather absentminded. In fact, the day I got back from Easter break, I lost my student ID. I found it several hours later, though. But the day after that, I lost it again, along with my driver’s license. This time it took a little longer to rediscover.
I’d be lying if I told you this didn’t frustrate me. However, rather than let it bother me, I just had to roll my eyes at my lack of responsibility and laugh at myself. I mean, you have to see the humor in that situation. At least, I do. If I didn’t find something to laugh at in stressful times, then I’d lose my mind. Laughter is a much-needed release.
With exams coming up, we all need as many stress-free moments as we can get. So these are my suggestions: take a moment each day to enjoy something simple, and always be able to laugh at yourself. You’ll be surprised at how funny and enjoyable life actually can be. Buy yourself a flower or simply go watch the clouds. Trust me, it makes a difference.
Enjoy simple pleasures
Tracey Apperson
April 24, 2006