Mississippi State University employees have the unique opportunity to acquire Nissian or Infiniti vehicles at pre-negotiated prices from participating dealers across the state of Mississippi. MSU is a recognized business associate of the Nissan Corp. In exchange for Mississippi StateUniversity employees being able to buy pre-negotiated priced cars, MSU will provide Mississippi’s first automobile plant with research and development expertise.
“This sounds like a great opportunity for MSU employees,” junior Laura Simons, junior, said. “It almost makes me want to stay at MSU and get a job in exchange for a lower-priced automobile.”
The vehicle purchase program offers MSU employees a great deal, and it helps to simplify the car buying process. Employees also have the option of leasing a vehicle or buying a used vehicle instead of buying a new one through the program.
“MSU teachers work so hard for their students,” Jennifer Nichols, junior, said. “I am glad to see that they are finally given some type of reward for their sweat and tears. Teachers across the state don’t make enough money but this sounds like a program that offers incentives to work for a universtity and still receive positive benefits.”
University staff can call 1-800-299-4753 for a VPP business claim form. They can also visit the Nissian Web site at www.insidenissan.com for more information about the program.
MSU employees interested in the purchase program can attend programs to help answer your questions Oct. 23. Three sessoins will be held in the Colvard Union Small Auditorium. The sessions will be conducted at 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
Nissan makes deal with MSU workers
Tiffany Thomas
October 22, 2001