These are brief statements submitted by candidates for Student Association executive office at the request of The Reflector. These statements appear as they were submitted by the candidates. The Reflector staff has not edited for content or grammar.The decision to run for Attorney General of the Student Association at Mississippi State was based on the fact that I love this university. I thought about what I could do to serve MSU, and I believe that the Attorney General position would be the best way for me to give back to this campus. Since working with the Student Association the past two years, I have seen how much the SA already does, and how much the SA can improve.
If elected Attorney General my main focus will be increasing student involvement. I strongly believe that being involved on campus is one of the key elements of one’s college experience.
When students get involved, no matter what it is, it shows that they share a passion for the university. It is almost as if the more students care about MSU, the better MSU will become.
The other three points of my platform include interpreting the constitution in an unbiased way, working with the other members of the executive branch of the SA, and reaching out to the administration. There is more about my platform on my Facebook group.
As Attorney General, I want to help both MSU and the SA reach its potential. We must go back to the heart of the SA: A Student Association by the students, for the students.
Lee Thorne
Lee Thorne
February 19, 2008