The department of foreign languages continued its recent growth spurt with its decision to offer two more languages in the upcoming academic year. Classes for Russian and Italian are scheduled for this fall semester, while the department also expressed interest in conducting a study abroad program in Russia as early as this summer.Foreign languages department head Jack Jordan said he hopes the addition of these languages will generate more student interest in the department.
“We eventually hope to expand these languages from a [Russian I-IV / Italian I-IV] course offering to the possibility of a minor and hopefully into a major one day,” he said.
Recently, the department has expanded with the addition of courses in Japanese and Chinese.
The department has also worked closely with Mississippi State University’s international business program to create more opportunities for students to learn diverse languages and travel to various countries.
Brian Watkins, head of the international business program, said he was very supportive of the expansion going on at the foreign languages department, particularly with students studying Chinese and Japanese.
“From a business perspective, [Chinese] is a very important language to learn,” Watkins said. “By 2012 over half of the gross domestic product produced in the world will be produced in countries speaking English, Chinese and Japanese.”
Additionally, Watkins said the process of creating more study abroad opportunities is a slow one, but by working with the foreign languages department, he hopes to have a student study in China by this fall.
Jordan said as early as this summer students wishing to study the Russian language will have the opportunity to begin by studying abroad in St. Petersburg with Oksana Gilbo, a native of the Russian metropolis and foreign languages graduate assistant.
Gilbo said current plans for the three-week summer program will include one week of Russian historical and cultural studies on the MSU campus.
After the studies are completed, they will be followed by two weeks of study in Russia’s second largest city.
Jordan added that if enough ROTC students expressed interest in the course, it might be possible to include some studies on Russia’s military history as well.
“And when they return from their trip this summer, the students will be able to take Russian I in the fall,” he said.
Also appearing on the 2008 fall schedule, Italian I will be taught by sociology graduate student Rosa Nigro, a native of the southern Italian island Catania.
Nigro, who has been at MSU since 1999, said she has past experiences with teaching Italian and also has a degree in education from Italy.
Currently, only French, Spanish and German are offered as majors within the department. But Jordan said, in addition to the two new languages being offered this fall, he would like to build the Japanese and Chinese programs into full-fledged majors as well.
Those interested in the St. Petersburg study abroad program or in taking the Russian class this fall may contact Gilbo at [email protected]. In order to better arrange for the study abroad trip this summer, Gilbo requested that any students interested contact her before March 17.
Around the World
Dustin Barnes
March 4, 2008