Two Mississippi State students have been arrested after a Thursday night shooting incident involving two handguns. No one was injured during the event, according to a University Relations news release.Junior Michael Brown and sophomore Quinton Wesley have been tentatively dismissed from the university and permanently from the MSU football squad. A campus judicial hearing will be held at a later time.
Brown is charged with possession of a firearm; Wesley, with aggravated assault. Both charges are felonies.
Allegedly Wesley fired a shot at a nearby car, according to the Clarion-Ledger.
“University police detectives continue to interview witnesses, and additional criminal charges are being considered,” Dean of Students Mike White said. “Officers determined there was no threat to other students and moved quickly to secure the area and recover the weapons.”
The handguns were subsequently recovered by university police officers that evening.
An e-mail sent to students, staff and faculty Friday afternoon stated that MSU police officers determined no immediate threat was present.
“Had there been immediate danger, a timely warning would have been sent to the campus community via the university’s Maroon Alert system,” the e-mail said.
Gunshots rang out after approximately 8:30 p.m. Thursday night near Ruby Hall on the Mississippi State campus, according to residents and MSU employees.
The news release indicated the incident took place shortly after 9:30 p.m., which contradicts some residents’ claims.
“Campus is secure right now. That’s all I can say,” MSU police dispatcher Laurie Edwards said Thursday night.
Three police cars remained stationed around the location for approximately two hours afterward, residents said.
“I was in Griffis [Hall, a nearby residence hall,] and looked out the window and saw cop cars,” sophomore English major Laura Allen said.
By approximately 10 p.m., thru access roads running through Zacharias Village had been closed off by MSU police and department of housing and residence life staff in their personal vehicles.
Crime scene tape surrounded a small area near the front entrance of Ruby Hall, with police officers talking to students and members of residence life staff Thursday night.
No other details about the episode are available at this time.
The Reflector will have continuing coverage of this breaking story as more news becomes available.
2 arrested in Thursday night Ruby Hall incident
Aubra Whitten and C.J. LeMaster
March 27, 2008

MSU police secured and roped off the street near Ruby Hall after the shooting incident occurred Thursday night.