Not many years can compare to your freshman year of college. It is one of the most different and exciting times of your life. Although we love our “newbies” here at Mississippi State University, there are some stereotypical freshmen actions we all have had a good laugh at.
Because freshmen are still trying to figure everything out, it is usually pretty easy to spot one around campus. Since most of us have endured the freshmen jokes in the past, we have now gained rights to have our own laughs. Here are the top 10 ways to spot a freshman.
1. If they walked around the first couple of weeks of class with a lanyard around their neck.
2. If they carried a map to get to their classes.
3. If they got to class 30 minutes early.
4. If they wore a fitted T-shirt….
5. If you see numerous guys wearing sports coats or embarrassing outfits.
6. If they are at every club interest meeting on campus.
7. If they travel in packs.
8. If they use all of their block meals at the Templeton.
9. If they do not respect the bell.
10. If everyone they meet is their new “BFF.”
Top 10 Ways to Spot a Freshman
Magan Ford
October 18, 2012
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