On Wednesday from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., Mississippi State University’s chapter of Youth for Ron Paul will hold a mock presidential debate in Simrall 100.
Tavish Kelly, president of MSU’s Youth for Ron Paul, said this organization is a small part of the national organization set up for college students across the U.S. to campaign for Ron Paul. This organization is led by students, and the members make it their goal to pass out literature and pamphlets explaining Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul’s stance on issues and his intentions and goals for the future of the United States.
Kelly said there will be a in the mock presidential debate, members of Youth for Ron Paul, College Republicans and College Democrats will represent Presidential candidates Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and Barack Obama. These representatives will answer questions asked by the moderator, Rob Mellen, political science professor.
Kelly said he is looking forward to the debate and representing Ron Paul, who he said he believes is the obvious choice for president.
“I think that when we look at the candidates as college students, Ron Paul is the only option,” he said. “Also, I strongly encourage all students to look at our organization and vote in the primary election.”
Kelly said the main purpose of the debate is to inform students what all of the candidates believe in and to encourage them to vote in the primary election on March 13. This election is an open primary, which means that you do not have to be a Republican to vote in it.
Tim Morgan, senior communication major, said he just wants to let the student body know everything they can about Ron Paul.
“We’re trying to spread Ron Paul’s message of liberty. I’m here because I swore to support the Constitution when I joined the Army two years ago, and Ron Paul is the one who does that,” Morgan said.
The members of Youth for Ron Paul set up an information table on the drill field once a week, either on Wednesdays or Fridays, depending on the weather. Students are welcome to visit the table to pick up fliers and pamphlets and may also ask the group members any questions they have about Ron Paul’s platform.
Chris Childers, sophomore mechanical engineering major, said another main function of the weekly information table is to make sure MSU’s students know about the primary election and where Ron Paul stands on the big issues.
“Our goal is to raise awareness about the upcoming election and Ron Paul. We feel that he’s the best candidate to run the country,” he said.
All students are encouraged to send in questions they want the candidates to answer during the debate to [email protected].
Youth for Ron Paul meets on Mondays at 6 p.m. in McCool 113. They encourage anyone who is interested to attend their meetings.