On Feb. 22, Kennedy Guest, a junior accounting major from Brandon, MS, was named Student Association president-elect at Mississippi State University.
It took Guest until his freshman year of high school to see himself as a leader. He recalled winning freshman class president and student body president as a senior.
“I think that was the first time I ever distinguished myself,” Guest said. “I ran a tough race against a tough opponent.”
He was able to transition his passion for politics from high school to MSU with ease. He has served the university as a freshman senator, Student Association vice president and now president. He shared the response of winning his biggest role to date, even though he ran unopposed.
“I thought that running unopposed was the highest honor that I could have received,” Guest said. “Every student who is a junior or higher is eligible to run, and the fact that everyone chose not to run means they trust me with the job.”
Without having to stress about an opponent, Guest was able to plan the logistics he hoped to accomplish in his administration. He, in conjunction with current SA president Garrett Smith, has already started plans for a new university advising center after hearing student suggestions as well as working with faculty.
Running unopposed also meant that Guest could be upfront with the improvements he wanted to make without making a big, colorful campaign. He limited his campaign to a singular Instagram video and buttons for friends to wear.
“I thought it would be more impactful to run on strict policy ideas instead of using buzzwords,” Guest said. “I thought it was better to step back and tell them word for word what I wanted to do.”
Guest also plans to work with Uber or Lyft to offer discounted rides for MSU students.
As well as holding various positions within the Student Association, Guest has also served Kappa Sigma fraternity as pledge class president, alumni relations chair and treasurer over the past three years.
As soon as Guest arrived on MSU’s campus, he had his eye on the prize. Early in his freshman year, he contacted Garrett Smith, who was elected a freshman senator the previous year, for advice on campaigning and elections.
Guest and Smith, the current outgoing SA president, have since become close friends throughout their time on the Student Association. Guest called Smith one of his greatest role models and spoke highly of his leadership ability.
“The way that he can walk into a room and know what students want and won’t budge an inch is impressive,” Guest said. “I really respect that and hope to bring that into my term as president.”
Garrett Smith spoke fondly of his friend and his confidence in him as president.
“I knew from the beginning that Kennedy would be an excellent partner,” Smith said. “While we spend plenty of time together to better the student experience at MSU, we also spend plenty of time hanging and watching the latest Marvel show or talking about international politics.”
Guest is confident in his leadership of the student body. From his experience as vice president to his reputation from other students and faculty, others feel that MSU is in good hands.
Mary Martha Willson, a junior public relations and political science major with a pre-law minor from Murfreesboro, Tennessee, has known Guest since the two served as senators together as sophomores. She admires Guest for being professional as well as personable.
“He is someone who listens to all different viewpoints to find the best solution,” Willson said. “I’ve seen him push the senators to build long-lasting friendships outside of the business setting. If you see his red hair and book bag, make sure you go say hi,” Willson said.
Kennedy is always ready to meet another Bulldog, and wants to be as accessible to the student body as possible. His email is [email protected], which is open to any student wanting to contact him.
Meet your new SA president: former VP Kennedy Guest
Courtesy Photo | Student Association
Kennedy Guest ran unopposed for the office of president. He was previously the vice president of Student Association.
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