A live-action version of the Disney classic “The Jungle Book” was released in theatres on April 15, “The Jungle Book” stars Neel Sethi as Mowgli and the voices of Bill Murray as Baloo, Ben Kingsley as Bagheera, Scarlett Johansson as Kaa, Idris Elba as Shere Khan and Christopher Walken as King Louie. It is rated PG and is based off the book by Rudyard Kipling.
“The Jungle Book” tells the story of Mowgli, a boy who is raised in the jungle by a pack of wolves and has to decide whether he should live in the jungle or with other humans. His friends Bagheera, a wise black panther, and Baloo, a silly bear, help him with his decision and protect him from a tiger named Shere Khan who is trying to kill him.
Forbes reported that this weekend, the second weekend “The Jungle Book” has been in theatres, the movie made $60.8 million.
“That puts it in the top 15 second weekends of all time, with a drop of just 41 percent from last weekend’s $103 million debut,” the news outlet reported.
The Huffington Post said the best part of “The Jungle Book” was the voice acting and realistic looking animals and set.
“The animals look so realistic, and the sets look amazing as well with very detailed backgrounds,” Huffington Post reported. “The voice acting is superb. Idris Elba and Scarlett Johansson are scary. Bill Murray is funny and Christopher Walken is scary and funny at the same time. They and the other voice actors truly bring the animals to life in this film.”
While “The Jungle Book “is meant to be a children’s movie, there are several intense scenes. Shere Khan violently fights with other characters a few times throughout the movie, and the realistic animation makes these fighting scenes life-like and scary for younger viewers.
“This isn’t a movie for children younger than 9- years- old. This is definitely a ‘know your kid’ type of movie,” Huffington Post reported.
While the violent scenes can be scary for kids, it makes the movie more entertaining for older viewers.
“The Jungle Book” also includes updated versions of the beloved songs from the original animated movie, including “The Bare Necesities” and ‘I Wan’na Be Like You’.
“John Debney’s music revives the snaky mysteries of the original score while adding a 21st-century kick to Mowgli’s journey to manhood. We even get a couple of the old songs, with Richard Sherman penning a few new verses for ‘I Wan’na Be Like You,’ The Guardian Reported.
Aside from a few violent scenes, “The Jungle Book” provides plenty of entertainment for kids and adults who love the original animated movie.