Thursday, Feb. 12
• 12:25 p.m. A student was arrested for aggravated assault off campus.
• 1:55 p.m. A student reported her purse missing at McCool Hall.
• 2:25 p.m. A visitor came to the MSU Police Department to file simple assault charges.
• 3:50 p.m. A student was arrested for petty larceny off campus.
• 5:10 p.m. A student reported her hubcap stolen off of her vehicle while she was parked at the McCarthy Gym parking lot.
• 7:56 p.m. A student reported damage to his vehicle while parked at the McComas Hall parking lot.
Friday, Feb. 13
• 1:35 p.m. A visitor reported her laptop being stolen at the Colvard Student Union. The computer was later located.
• 1:50 p.m. A student reported her clothes being stolen from her at Ruby Hall.
Saturday, Feb. 14
• 12:12 a.m. A student was arrested for not wearing a seat belt and driving under the influence on Highway 182.
• 11:24 p.m. A student reported suspicious activity on a MSU shuttle.
Sunday, Feb. 15
• 8:34 p.m. A visitor was arrested for trespassing at Aiken Village.