Released in October 2011, ‘‘American Horror Story” quickly became a Wednesday night staple in many households because of its interesting and sometimes confusing twists.
Connie Britton plays a depressed, desperate, confused and, toward the end of the series, pregnant house wife named Vivien Harmon that is trapped in a haunted mansion. The mansion is filled with the realistic ghosts of people who have previously died in the house. It’s easy to understand how the TV drama gets so out of hand and wacky at some points.
If the plot doesn’t confuse you, just try watching the drama. While each episode makes the viewer long for more information, it also gets extremely frustrating to be left hanging week after week. Information is slow to come to fruition during each episode and makes for a very slow-feeling plot.
If you are constantly curious and have some sort of fetish for dead people knocking up desperate housewives, this show could possibly be for you. Without a good storyline and little promise for future episodes (since all the main characters died), this TV drama/horror just doesn’t cut it for the everyday viewer.
Worst TV: ‘American Horror Story’
By Eric Evans
January 13, 2012
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