Mississippi State University Student Association elections are being held today in the Colvard Student Union from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
“Students definitely need to get out and vote,” Elections Commissioner Nyerere Tryman said. “It’s an important aspect that we [students] have the opportunity to choose our leaders … Voting is the way to do this.”
Candidate names are as follows: President-Josh Blades, Joe Long and Tim Jackson; Vice-president-Juan McCullum and Ward Williams; Treasurer-Thomas Gregory and Christina Dennery; Attorney general -Hunter Jones and Jeremy England; Secretary-Claire Hardin and Rachel McDonald.
Juniors and seniors will also be able to vote for the senior class president as well. The candidates for this position are Anna Wiles and Stephen Smith.
All candidates had to have applications in by March 5, and have been campaigning since students’ return from Spring Break.
Results from the election will be announced tonight after all ballots have been counted. MSU staff member Donna Maykowski said the results are usually posted on the SA door by 9 p.m. Any run-off elections will occur April 1.
New officers will be sworn into office April 9 at the Student Association banquet.
“So far the election is going very smoothly, no one has been disqualified or dropped from the ballot at this point,” Maykowski said.
To see candidates’ platforms, see boards in front of the Colvard Student Union or fliers on campus. For more information on getting involved with SA, visit www.sa.msstate.edu.
The Student Association is one of the few links between the university administrators and the student body. For information on getting involved with SA, visit www.sa.msstate.edu.
MSU holds SA officer elections
Jake W. Davis / The Reflector
March 25, 2003