If it’s got two wheels, a mean disposition and more chrome than a Master P video, it was probably seen tearing up asphalt in Sturgis. Last weekend marked the sixth annual Sturgis South All-Bike Motorcycle Rally. Whether they rode bulky, 700-pound Harley Davidsons or streamlined, fiberglass Ducati crotch rockets, thousands of bikers from across the country gathered in Sturgis for a weekend of biker bliss.
The rally featured various activities ranging from relay races to balloon tosses to the ever-popular burn-out contest, but this year’s event was particularly special because of the entertainment.
“This year, we decided to have more entertainment,” entertainment chairman Donny Hanson said. “We were able to get some really good bands because our budget was $25,000 as opposed to the $1,500 we had when we first started back in 1997.”
The Patrick Smith Band performed Friday night followed by country veterans Highway 101.
“I think the crowd really enjoyed having a mix of rock and country,” Hanson said.
The Classic Rock All Stars were scheduled to perform Saturday night, but strengthening wind and a serious threat of lightning forced the band to cancel their performance. However, rumors of the band skipping the gig are untrue.
“I spoke to the band at their hotel room and they were ready to play,” Hanson said. “I’m a bit disappointed they didn’t get to perform, but it wasn’t worth putting their lives in danger.”
Following a “blessing of the bikes” ceremony Sunday morning, the rally came to a close. Although the forces of nature were not always cooperating, the bikers were always in good spirits.
“I think it went over really well,” Hanson said.
Much ado about Harleys
Matthew Allen / Entertainment Editor
August 27, 2002