With President Obama winning re-election last week there has been somewhat of a backlash from calls to secede from the union to the banter I’m sure everyone has seen on Facebook and Twitter. It is as if the president being re-elected was shocking in some way to people all over the country.
According to a recent USA Today article, 31 presidents, since the time of George Washington, have run for re-election and 21 have won, which makes for a .677 winning average.
So it really should not be such a shocking thing President Obama was re-elected at all.
I think the reaction toward the re-election is absolutely crazy. There cannot possibly be that many sore losers over a presidential election, can there?
I am not even a fan of the president myself, but I am able to understand he won the election fair and square and we all must live with that.
Many people put a lot of emphasis on the president and what party that person comes out of, but I think most people fail to realize policy is debated on and shaped in Congress.
In my opinion, not much would have changed under the leadership of Romney compared to that of Obama because Congress is deadlocked just like it was before the election.
What is the difference between this week and last? Yes the president has another four years in office, but what is different now? The reaction coming from all over the country is disturbing.
Secession is something our country had a war over not that long ago in our relatively young history, and I think for these states to throw this idea around is a very dangerous, disrespectful thing to do.
The major headliner in the national media right now is Texas nearly having 100,000 signatures to leave the Union.
In a CNN article, the leader of the Texas secession movement said the president getting re-elected was the “catalyzing moment” for the movement.
I ask why did this group and others like it not attempt this before the election? Nothing is different in terms of who controls what and the same power players are still in their respective positions in our nation’s capital.
I think the views of a portion of people in Texas and in the other states that have the same petitions are getting all of the attention over the majority of people in those states.
My sincere hope is our nation does not make the same mistakes we made not that long ago because the consequences were devastating and harmful for everyone.
The country right now, more than anything, needs unity and understanding to get through these hard times.
Reactions to election create rash responses
James Arena
November 15, 2012
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