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The Student Newspaper of Mississippi State University

The Reflector

The Student Newspaper of Mississippi State University

The Reflector

The Student Newspaper of Mississippi State University

The Reflector

 Fractal Networks is working on the Fractal Data Safe—a tool used to safeguard customer data.

Starkville startup Fractal Networks aims to protect data privacy

Emma Hardy, Staff Writer April 23, 2024

Fractal Networks is a technology company based out of Starkville that aims to equip the public with the tools and software they need to protect and control their data.  Mo Balaa, the CEO of Fractal...

Hannah Smith, a fashion design and merchandising major and senior client specialist at the E-Center, works inside a "Zoom pod."

$1 million E-Center expansion aims to better support student startups

Emma Hardy, Staff Writer April 9, 2024

Mississippi State University's Center for Entrepreneurship and Outreach, also known as the E-Center, has recently undergone a $1 million, 2,000-square-foot expansion. The expansion will be revealed to...

MSU student Mattie Graham with a day-old wood duck.

Bulldog Experience to provide novel educational experiences

Emma Hardy, Staff Writer February 28, 2024

Mississippi State University’s newest Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), the Bulldog Experience, is set to encourage the implementation of more hands-on learning opportunities - things like field trips...

MSU communication professor Melody Fisher.

‘I hate that we’re still having firsts;’ Fisher tells stories of minority PR professionals

Emma Hardy, Contributing Writer February 6, 2024

Melody Fisher, Jackson native and associate professor in Mississippi State University's Department of Communication, has made a lasting impact through her teachings and research of advocacy for minority...

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The Student Newspaper of Mississippi State University