Ivy Rose Ball
Burkhalter likes to crochet in his free time.
Some students in Starkville struggle to find worthwhile pastimes that revolve around something other than nightlife and sports. While Mississippi State University does offer dozens of on-campus student organizations, this is simply not appealing to some folks. Looking at the unique hobbies of the current student body can help inspire ideas for students in need of a new hobby.
Meriwether Jacob is a junior majoring in human sciences with a concentration in child development. When asked about her hobbies, Jacob listed hunting among her favorites.
“Although I actually love when it’s a successful hunt, my favorite thing about hunting is the quality time with my dad,” Jacob said. Jacob explained that it was her father that introduced her to hunting when she was a child, and she views the activity as a bonding opportunity.
Hunting is clearly not the hobby for everyone. For students wanting to engage in a social leisure activity, there are plenty to try at MSU.
Cowbell Connect is an online hub where all student organizations maintain a presence. Take a look at the different offerings on Cowbell Connect during a break between classes or follow the rabbit hole of student organizations on Instagram until something piques your interest.
Join a recreational sports team. Ask classmates what they are involved in. Volunteer. Opportunities for socializing are abundant here.
Similar to how hunting is not for everyone, being in large social groups may not be for everyone either. If clubs or teams are not the right for you, there are plenty of independent hobbies to take up as well. Try golfing, painting or cooking. Make a scrapbook. Learn an instrument from YouTube tutorials.
The best thing about solitary hobbies is that you can choose whether you want to be alone in them or not.
Claire Green is a sophomore biochemistry major with a preferred pastime of horseback riding. Green said that she first got into horseback riding through an MSU course aptly titled Intro to Horsemanship.
Green explained that she had always been interested in riding, but was unable to do so while growing up due to the financial costs associated with the sport. After joining MSU’s Equestrian Team, she has spent a great deal of time pursuing what she loves.
“MSU has given me the opportunity to ride tons of horses,” Green said. “They are all so sweet and unique! Riding is also really relaxing, and the horses can feel when you’re anxious, so it forces me to breathe when I’m stressed.”
Linden Burkhalter is a sophomore studying natural resource and environmental conservation with a passion for crochet. Despite crocheting being an innately independent hobby, Burkhalter actually realized his interest thanks to a student crochet group.
When asked about his favorite aspect of crocheting, Burkhalter cited the emotional gratification he gets from the activity.
“It’s really rewarding to see the projects come together as I’m working,” Burkhalter said.
Perhaps you are wondering what hobbies I have. Like Burkhalter, I crochet. I make buttons. I write stories. I play badminton — badly. I make fleece blankets. I bake. I read. I am learning to sew. I will be taking a blacksmithing course in a few weeks. I am involved in several organizations on campus. I write for “The Reflector.”
Maybe nothing mentioned in this article is up your alley. That is totally okay. The important thing about hobbies is that you enjoy them. Do what makes you happy. If that is going to dinner with friends, then go get dinner. If that is volunteering at an animal shelter, then volunteer. If that is watching a sitcom on Netflix for the thirtieth time, then watch it. Life can be extremely difficult at times, so find something that helps you get up in the mornings. Chase your happy.