Homecoming Queen
* Cee Cee Cook
Sponsored by: BSA
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority
MSU Varsity Pom Squad
* Emily Miller
Sponsored by: Panhellenic
Student Dietetics President
Order of Omega President
Bubba Badgett
Jeremy England
Thomas Gregory
Brian Havard
Taylor Nicholas
Lamonte Stamps
Adam Telle
Miss MSU
Jeannie Waller
Kathy Jones
Senior Maid
* Elizabeth Edwards
Sponsored by: Graduate Student Association
Resident Assistant
Fashion Board Treasurer
* Tammie Gathings
Sponsored by: Graduate Student Association
College Democrats
On-campus Fundraising
* Joshualyn Johnson
Sponsored by: BSA
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority
Orientation Leader
* Lauren Marsh
Sponsored by: Panhellenic
Panhellenic Executive Council Secretary
SA Senator, College of Business and Industry
Junior Maid
* Angela Jones
Sponsored by: BSA
MSU Varsity Cheerleader
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
* Kelly Whatley
Sponsored by: Panhellenic
SA Executive Attorney General Assistant
’04 Orientation Leader
Sophomore Maid
* Amy Clark
Sponsored by: BSA
Models of Distinction
Community Service
*Jenny Hester
Sponsored by: Panhellenic
SA Community Service & Public Relations committees
Lambda Sigma
Freshman Maid
* Amanda Howell
Sponsored by: Panhellenic
Delegate on Church Committees
Who’s Who Among American
High School Students
* Nadia Maston
Sponsored by: BSA
Black Student Alliance
Alpha Phi Alpha Black and Gold Pageant Contestant