The Pre-Vet Club is raffling three doghouses to raise money for their group. Twenty members of the club dedicated their free time to build each house.
“It took about five days to complete the project,” said Crystal Allgood, vice-president of the club.
“The first night we cut the lumber. The second night we screwed the pieces together. The longest step was painting because each house received several coats. When the paint was dry, we shingled the houses.”
Each doghouse has its own color theme: Maroon-“MSU Go Dawgs,” camouflage, and pink with paw prints in bright colors. North Mississippi Lumber Co., and other local stores contributed by donating supplies. “Each house is worth almost $200. Students can buy a $5 raffle ticket and win a great house for their dog,” said Byron Williams, advisee to pre-veterinarian students.
The funds raised by the raffle will go toward the club’s trip to the Aquarium of America and Audobon Zoo. “Field trips give the pre-vet students a break from working while also allowing them to see other fields of veterinary medicine Williams said.
“Before students can be accepted by the school, they must acquire a minimum of 500 hours experience with either a certified veterinarian, an animal shelter, zoo or animal clinic,” Williams said.
Allgood participated with the humane society helping to build doghouses with the organization. “It worked well with the humane society, so I suggested doing it as a fundraiser,” Allgood said.
From 3-6 pm. today, students can look at the houses on the second floor of the veterinary school. Students who are interested but cannot make it to the vet school can go to the Pre-Vet Club Web site at Tickets, which can be purchased until the day of the raffle, are $5. The raffle is Nov. 17. The club will have a booth set up in front of Wal-Mart from noon until 7 p.m. Thursday. Tickets are available by contacting Crystal Allgood at