Mississippi State’s Residence Hall Association will strike a pose in the Lee Hall auditorium Wednesday at 7 p.m. for their Spring 2004 Talent/Fashion Showcase.
The RHA is sponsoring this season’s Talent/Fashion Showcase, which sees the Models of Distinction, Fashion Board and the Junior Greek Auxiliaries joining forces. The showcase will feature some of State’s musical talent and fashion trendsetters.
“The Talent/Fashion Showcase is meant to provide programming for students and those living in the halls-a solid week of entertainment,” said RHA coordinator Phillips Strickland.
The showcase includes four musical talents, including two rappers and two singers. Each of the performers has competed before on campus and all have aspirations of making it in the music industry. The showcase gives these starlets a chance for another talent dual and possibly another performance victory.
Between the talent acts, the artists perform. The Models of Distinction have 16 of their squad members performing in the Showcase. Along with doing modeling shows, the squad is also involved with community service activities and working alongside other campus organizations.
“The Models of Distinction is a squad formed by students, where models can be of all shapes and sizes,” sophomore communication major Quintella Henderson said. “We perform themed shows and use different stage techniques to go with the modern music.”
Tiffany McGee, senior kinesiology major and RHA showcase coordinator, said the Showcase’s main purpose is “to build spirit among the halls and let the campus know how much we appreciate it.”
With the RHA sponsored 2004 Talent/Fashion Showcase, talents are exposed, spring fashion is sprung and idols are made.