The Starkville community will kick off Christmas Dec. 1 with the annual parade through downtown. This year’s theme is “A Dawg-gone Merry Christmas” and will feature Mississippi State head football coach Jackie Sherrill and his wife Peggy as grand marshals. Their 2-year-old grandson, Daniel, will accompany them at the front of the parade.
Anyone interested in being in the parade can be, said Susan Cheatham of the Greater Starkville Development Partnership. A few restrictions on what can be done do exist.
“There can be anything from a decorated pick-up to a full-blown float to a marching unit or a cheer squad,” she said.
A $10 entrance fee is required and the float or vehicle should be decorated to reflect the theme. Applications for entry are available by calling 323-3322 or at the Greater Starkville Development Partnership office at 1 Research Boulevard, Suite 204, in Starkville.
Completed applications, the entry fee and a 3-by-5 card describing the entry are due to the office by Friday. A list of float restrictions are available with the application.
Entries will be judged on best use of theme, best non-profit float, best commercial float and most original float.
The parade begins at 6:30 p.m. at Fire Station No. 1. It will travel west on Lampkin, turn north onto Montgomery, go west onto Main Street and finally end at the Methodist church.
“We’re hoping to have a great turn-out,” said Paige Hunt, parade chairperson. “We do every year. It’s a great thing for Starkville.”
Those who choose to watch the parade rather than participate are encouraged to bring their cowbells to promote Bulldog spirit in conjunction with the theme.
“Jackie told us he’ll have a cowbell and will be ringing it and we would love for anyone and everyone with a cowbell to bring theirs,” said Hunt. She mentioned that this is not an SEC event; the cowbells will not be confiscated.
Sherrill’s appearance in the parade stems, in part, from his community involvement.
In the hours not spent on the football field, Sherrill devotes much of his time to community service. He helps organizations such as the Palmer Home, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, United Way and the prison ministry, among others. Peggy Sherrill serves on a committee of the MSU library and volunteers with Meals-on-Wheels and United Way.
“They’ve done so much for the community over the past 13 years and we felt this would be a great way to thank them for all that they have done,” Hunt said.
Volunteers are also needed for the event. Anyone interested can call the GSDP at 323-3322.