Mississippi State University faculty members are participating in the John K. Bettersworth Leadership Lectures by speaking to Mississippi high schools and community colleges. The program is named after John K. Bettersworth, former vice president for academic affairs and author of The People’s University: A Centennial History of Mississippi State and a Mississippi history textbook.
“The Bettersworth lecture series began about four or five years ago,” enrollment services assistant director Eric Bishop said. “Each year has seen increased popularity.”
“The first year we offered the lectures, only about three or four were given,” Bishop said. “There has been a pretty steady increase each year with about 10-12 lectures being given each year for the past couple of years.”
The office of enrollment services said it is possible that these lectures will increase enrollment at MSU by sparking interest and familiarity with the university.
“Factors that increase enrollment are difficult to predict, but we do feel like it’s a great opportunity for MSU to gain some visibility in schools throughout the state,” Bishop said.
“Our lectures typically entertain groups of seniors, juniors, and sophomores, and it’s a good chance for them to get an idea of what they could expect from an education at Mississippi State,” Bishop said. “The exposure we gain from the lecture series is definitely a positive, and we sincerely hope it influences students to give MSU a closer look.”
There are 13 topics the lectures cover. Agriculture, architecture, arts and culture, business, careers, communication, education, engineering, history, mathematics and science, personal development, society and politics and technology are this year’s topics.
“High schools and community colleges alike have favored topics relating to career opportunities,” Bishop said. “The lectures on career opportunities and development have typically been the most sought after.”
Requests for the lectures begin in August and continue through the end of spring semester, Bishop said.
“While we’ve never had a request for a summer lecture, we could possibly accommodate such a request,” Bishop said.
A full list of participating faculty members and topics is available on the Internet at http://msuinfo.ur.msstate.edu/lists/betters/bettersworth.html.
MSU’s office of enrollment services is sponsoring these lectures at no cost. Bishop said the office needs at least three weeks prior notice, three possible dates and expected audience attendance.
To request information or schedule a speaker, contact enrollment services director John Dickerson or Bishop at 325-3076 or LEAD@msstate.edu.