“American Idol” has had its time in the national spotlight since the early 2000s. I think it’s time for the Fox show to come to an end.
Loyal fans, as well as casual ones, have watched this phenomenon by the millions. Fans called and texted the phone lines to support their favorite contestant(s).
The talent pool now appears to be watered down. It seems like most of the best talent was featured in the first few seasons. Now, it’s just a lot of mediocrity and awfulness.
One thing that attracts people to “American Idol” is the funny and bad singing featured in the promos. Now, I know the whole goal is to get as many people as possible to watch the show. When more people watch, ratings go up. When ratings go up, more revenue is brought in through advertising and other sources.
Comical singing temporarily works on “Idol.” People tune in to see the train wreck singers so they can get a good laugh.
I first started watching “Idol” back in Season 1. I was a loyal viewer. I wanted to see the singing contest because listening to good singing is relaxing to me. Listening to bad singing gives me a good laugh for the day.
The seasons of “American Idol” have featured the talents of Kelly Clarkson, Clay Aiken, Ruben Studdard, Fantasia Barrino, Jennifer Hudson, Carrie Underwood and Adam Lambert.
The overall judging of the show has gone down dramatically since Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell left. Abdul and Cowell were two of the original judges, with Randy Jackson being the only one who stayed onboard. In my opinion, Randy kept it real while not being overly insensitive. People watched to hear Paula tell the singers her opinion, even though it was sugar-coated. Simon kept it real just I wished he would’ve been nicer to the contestants. You can tell it like it is without being a jerk. I think Simon’s opinion mattered the most out of all three panelists. When Simon left, the show went downhill. Then Paula left. The show’s popularity declined even further as Fox came up with new judges to replace Simon and Paula.
Ellen DeGeneres seemed like a decent choice because I knew she wouldn’t take any mess from Simon. The chemistry between Paula and Simon was fit for television, so I thought it would only take time for things to work out between Ellen and Simon. Things between the two didn’t work as well as I had hoped. Ellen didn’t like judging either so she only stayed for one season. She didn’t like having to tell some of the singers the truth about their singing abilities.
Steven Tyler is perverted. He is highly obsessed with women and makes comments children should not hear. “American Idol” is supposed to be a family-friendly show. Tyler is 62 years old. Many of the female contestants are under 18, and it’s shocking his behavior is repeated over and over. It’s a wonder he hasn’t been fired already. When the voting begins on the show, Idol goes “live.” But when the show is broadcast, there are a few seconds of delay. The network should use this time to bleep out some of his comments. At least Jennifer Lopez can keep her comments decent.
The last few seasons have been a bust for “Idol.” Unless they bring back Paula and Simon alongside Randy, then I don’t see how “Idol” could improve. The show had already reached the pinnacle of its success several years ago. Abdul and Cowell have already said they weren’t going to return to the judging panel.
I was one of those disappointed to see the original three split up and not come back together, but I decided to give the new judges a chance (even though I already had my opinion). The show has become as much about the judges as the singers when the singers should be first priority.
Christopher Webb is a junior majoring in business administration. He can be contacted at opinion@reflector.msstate.edu.