Lisa Ling
Award-winning journalist Lisa Ling will speak on campus at 7 p.m. Monday in Lee Hall as a part of the Mississippi State University Global Lecture series.
Ling will discuss her role in journalism, how journalism can lead to positive social changes and her experiences traveling around the world as a journalist.
Throughout her career, Ling has been a correspondent for Channel One News, was a co-host on “The View,” a field correspondent for “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” and a contributor to ABC News’ “Nightline” and National Geographic’s “Explorer.” Ling currently hosts her own show, “This is Life with Lisa Ling,” on CNN.
Katelyn Jackson, co-director for the Student Association special events cabinet, said many factors go into choosing a speaker, but the cabinet felt Ling was the best speaker for the series, since she can address topics affecting not only students, but faculty and community members as well.
“I think the world is constantly changing, and, as a journalist, Lisa Ling will be able to provide an interesting prospective on current events and topics going on today that would be relevant to everyone who decides to attend,” said Jackson.
Using the system “Keepler,” Jackson said the special events cabinet was able to narrow down their choices, and made their final decision based on research, student feedback and advice from other SA cabinet members.
Jackson, sophomore majoring in biological sciences, said she has heard positive feed back on campus from students interested in coming to the event since many students watch Ling’s show on CNN.
Currently, the cabinet estimates 200 people to attend, and encourage students to get their free ticket for the event at the Colvard Student Union in the Student Association Office Suite 314.
Ling will join a long list of notable individuals to speak at MSU through the Global Lecture series, including Bill Nye, Mitt Romney and Buzz Aldrin.
Madison Godfrey, a junior majoring in animal and dairy science, said she is interested in hearing Ling speak, even though she is not studying communication and does not enjoy public speaking.
“Knowing what is going on in the world and understanding how to communicate is an important part of being a human,” Godfrey said. “You don’t have to be a journalism major to learn from Lisa Ling. You just have to interest and ready to learn.”
Godfrey said she plans on attending the event with other students studying animal and dairy science, who share similar ideas with her about the importance of news and communication.
Reilly Revees, co-director for the Student Association special events cabinet, said choosing Ling will not only promote global connections on campus but will help emphasize the importance of diversity.
“This year, the SA has been very intentional in promoting and bringing in diversity on campus, so bringing a minority group to campus in this capacity is great and will hopefully make a positive impact,” said Revees, a junior majoring in biomedical engineering with a minor in math.
Jackson said she believes hearing Ling speak is an amazing opportunity that should not be taken for granted. Due to her success as a journalist, Jackson said she believes Ling’s career will only continue to grow, which makes this a wonderful time to hear her speak and to get her advice.
“We just want the students to leave the event empowered and feeling like they can make a positive social change in today’s world, despite all of the negativity that can be overwhelming and hard to process at times,” said Jackson.