Review: 'Truth or Dare' embodies every horror cliche
SPOILER ALERT: Everybody dies.
Yes, it is definitely an over-dramatic exaggeration, but the movie is full of those.
I am not saying this horror film was not scary in the slightest. There were a few decent jump-scares snuck, but it definitely felt like I was watching a soap opera rather than a horror film.
This would not be a bad thing if it was not supposed to be scary. I understand horror films may need a touch of drama to keep the storyline afloat, but this film was more of a drama with some cheesy scares mixed in.
I walked into the movie not expecting much. I knew it would be cheesy, I knew it would be predictable, but I had no idea to what extent.
There was a definite lack of detailed plot all horror films seem to include, but most horror movies include at least something original. This movie, instead of going for originality or a decent plot, went for every horror movie cliche in existence.
In all honesty, the acting was not horrible. It was, however, pretty much the only decent aspect of the movie.
Lucy Hale did a decent job with her role, even though it was probably the most cliche role in the movie.
Still, I enjoyed at least some of the acting in this movie. I must give credit where credit is due because the producers did not hire terrible actors.
This makes it all the more unfortunate that despite the actors, the scriptwriters wrote a subpar script. I think pretty much anyone else in Hollywood would have written a better script.
Again, while the script writing was downright depressing, it amazes me all the more how the actors actually managed to make it bearable.
Violett Beane, the actress playing the main character, Markie Cameron, was without a doubt the most impressive actress in the whole movie.
Unfortunately, this is because her role was cliche beyond all repair. Despite her horribly written character, I could actually picture Beane being in other movies and having an actual acting career not revolving around movies like “Truth or Dare,” which is wildly impressive.
Maybe the movie would have been better if there was a decent, memorable soundtrack. Sadly, I am writing this review and cannot remember if there even was music, or if it was just suspense.
To be fair, I cannot say I am a general fan of Jeff Wadlow, the director. He has not directed much else, and what he has directed I have not seen and am not about to see.
To give him credit, I have heard of a couple of his movies, so he is fairly known, or at least one or two of his movies are.
This being said, if you find yourself enjoying the other cheesy-looking films he directed, you may enjoy this one.
However, if you like horror films which actually manage to frighten you, I would recommend skipping out on “Truth or Dare” and try, maybe, any other horror.
I will admit the idea behind the story could have been interesting, but there were an incredible number of factors which made the movie bad.
From the beginning, when the group of friends on their last spring break of college follow a stranger into an abandoned mission in a foreign country, to the end, when they were choosing when to die, the movie gave the audience one cliche after another.
I doubt I was surprised by any happenings in the movie. Watching the trailer is just like watching the movie, but with less time wasted.
None of this is to say the audience cannot enjoy this movie.
If you find yourself itching to go see a predictable horror/soap opera film, do not hesitate to buy tickets. If you have to see everything this director makes, if you must watch all films these actors are in, then, by all means, be my guest. However, if you are looking to be scared rather than to laugh, I cannot say I suggest wasting the money and time to see this.