Joshua Britt | The Reflector
Bad Dawgs Banner
Friday, September 13, 2019
Employee reported a golf cart stolen by an unknown male, later found in C-1 parking lot.
Student transported to OCH for medical assistance.
Student reported her debit card stolen from her wallet in Sessums Hall.
Student reported an unknown person representing the Social Security Office calling and asking for their social security number.
Student reported being stalked by another student on campus.
Student arrested in Magnolia Hall for public drunkeness and minor in possession of alcohol. Justice Court citation and referral issued.
Non-Resident/Visitor arrested on Stone Boulevard for speeding 38/20 and suspended driver’s license. Justice court citation issued.
Student arrested in F-10 parking lot for public drunkeness.
Student issued arrest citation on Main Street Starkville for minor in possession of alcohol and possession of fake ID.
Student issued arrest citation on Main Street Starkville for minor in possession of alcohol and possession of fake ID.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Student arrested on Bully Boulevard for minor in possession of alcohol and possession of a fake ID. Justice Court citation and referral issued.
Student arrested in A-7 parking lot for disregard of traffic device and DUI 1st.
Student transported to OCH for medical assistance.
Officer injured his arm while riding the MSU police motorcycle off campus.
Non-Resident/Visitor issued a post arrest citation on Lee Boulevard for minor in possession of alcohol.
Student arrested on George Perry Street for resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. Justice Court citation and referral issued.
Non-Resident/Visitor arrested in Junction for public drunkeness.
Student was escorted out of Davis Wade Stadium for disorderly conduct.
Student arrested in F-10 parking lot for public drunkeness.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Student transported to OCH for medical assistance.
Student reported her vehicle stolen from A-10 parking lot.
Student arrested on University Drive for DUI and possession of controlled substance.
Student arrested on University Drive for public drunkeness and no seatbelt.
Student arrested in Starkville for DUI.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Student reported being harassed via social media and text messages by her ex-boyfriend.
Student transported to OCH for medical assistance.
Student transported to OCH for medical assistance.
Aramark Employee was transported to OCH for medical assistance.
Non-Resident/Visitor arrested on Highway 182 for speeding 45/30, expired driver’s license and possession of marijuana. Justice Court citations issues.
Student reported witnessing a hit and run in D-15 parking lot causing damages.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Student reported his vehicle was damaged while parked in F-11 parking lot.
Student reported a disturbance in Sessums Hall with her ex-roommate.
Student reported her bicycle stolen from Perry Cafeteria, last seen Sept. 6.
Student injured hip and was transported to OCH for medical assistance.
Student reported fraudulent use of her debit card.
Non-Resident/Visitor arrested at MSU Police Station for a felony, possession of stolen property and false information.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Student reported his bicycle stolen from bike rack at Colvard Student Union.
Student transported to OCH for medical assitance.
Student reported being harassed in Critz Hall by other students.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Student issued referral for possession of marijuana in Ruby Hall.
Student transported to OCH for medical assistance.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Officer responded to Oak Hall for a welfare check on a student.