Jeremy Hinds | Photographer
Preparation helps students succeed during finals week
Finals week is the most dreaded week of the semester for many students at Mississippi State University.
Many students are up until late in the night studying for tests or working on final papers and projects.
It is important to find something to help calm those nerves through finals.
Simply studying nonstop might help some students feel more relaxed, because being prepared means there is a greater chance of doing well.
However, studying or working for great lengths of time without planned breaks or periods of relaxation does not work for everyone and is not optimal for anyone. So it is important to find what is best for everyone during finals.
Finding a good location for studying is important for students hoping to optimize their time.
The library is open during finals week 24 hours a day and can be a great place to get work done.
The chapel is also a peaceful place to study. Students can often be found studying in the chapel or in the much louder Colvard Student Union.
For some, intentionally breaking up studying time into increments might be helpful.
Studying a subject one hour a day for five days, for example, allows information to sink in better than studying for five hours straight the night before.
Taking a few minutes to do something besides studying helps to relieve stress over tests and projects.
Breaks can be spent in a variety of ways.
Exercise is one way to relieve stress and calm nerves.
The Joe Frank Sanderson Center is a great place to exercise and is free for all students.
Going for a walk around Chadwick Lake is another great option for students who need to stretch their legs after long periods of sitting and studying.
Listening to music while studying can help some students with concentration.
Simple, instrumental music is usually best for concentration.
Food is also essential during finals week because it is hard to retain information on an empty stomach.
Almonds, apples, blueberries, bananas and dark chocolate are tasty snacks that help boost memory and are portable.
There is also help on campus for students who are having difficulty with particular subjects in one or more of their classes.
The MSU Learning Center offers help for several different classes and appointments can be made online via the portal on MyState.
The MSU Writing Center offers help for final papers and other written assignments. Appointments can be made online at the writing center’s portal on the MSU website.
If a student does not have time during finals week to go to an appointment in person, online appointments are also available.
Study groups can also be of great help to students, especially those who find it difficult to study on their own.
Working with others can be helpful because everyone can bring different information to the table and exchanging information can help everyone understand the subject better.
Finals week is the most stressful time of the semester for many students, but finding little ways to help cope with the stress and maximize one’s time can make life during this week a little easier for students to handle.