Saturday marks Homecoming 2009 for the Mississippi State Bulldogs. Many groups on campus including, but not limited to, the Student Association, the Alumni Association and the Athletic Department are helping to host a variety of fun activities for students, faculty and the community.
Mary Hampton Morrison, director of student activities for the SA said she is excited about the new additions to this year’s Homecoming activities.
“One of my main goals when I got this position was to get the community more involved with Homecoming,” Morrison said.
One major way the Starkville community is involved in Homecoming this year is the Paint the Town Maroon banner competition for Starkville businesses. The competition is aimed to promote MSU spirit throughout the community. The banners will hang during Homecoming week and have a slogan or phrase on them supporting Homecoming and the Bulldogs. The winner of the competition will be announced at the football game Saturday.
“I am very pleased with the response we have gotten for this being the first year,” Morrison said. “I hope this becomes a tradition and keeps on growing for years to come.”
Another new addition to the Homecoming festivities is Bulldog Family Frenzy, an event for families of the community, faculty and alumni. It will be held Friday from 6 to 8 p.m. on the Drill Field.
“There will be jumpers, face painting, food, pictures with the court and a firework show that goes off in the middle of the event,” Morrison said. “I think that it is going to be a blast.”
The athletic department is also getting ready for Homecoming by assisting with the coordination of the Homecoming Court presentation at halftime among other things.
Athletic marketing coordinator Chad Thomas said athletic department officials are very excited for Homecoming week and the game Saturday.
“Coach Mullen speaks of big time SEC football, and Homecoming is one of the best weekends that a team can be at home in front of the fans,” he said.
Thomas said athletic director Greg Byrne will speak at the Homecoming pep rally Friday evening at 5 p.m. to get MSU fans excited for Saturday’s game.
As campus groups work hard organizing events, excitement is building for Saturday’s game.
Morrison said she cannot wait for all of the Homecoming events and to see the hard work of so many pay off.
“I love how Homecoming seems to bring everyone together,” Morrison said. “There are students, faculty, staff and alumni all in Starkville to support this university.”
Mr. MSU and Student Association President Blake Jeter said his favorite part of Homecoming is seeing all the parts of MSU come together as a team and welcome people back home to the university.
“We not only come together to put on events that benefit the student body, but we also come together to make this a great game day for all the alumni coming back,” Jeter said.
Communication major Amanda Nash said she is excited for the events leading up to Homecoming and will be attending the game as well as the National Pan-hellenic Council step show.
She also said the banners made by businesses are a great way to get the community involved with the university.
“It is good that not only students support Bulldogs, but that the community does too,” Nash said.
Communication major Katie Scanlon said she is going to the game and is excited and hopeful.
“I have faith that we will win,” Scanlon said.