Melissa Harper is a senior majoring in biological sciences. She can be contacted at Monday, time stood still. The world gasped as one of the most publicized child custody cases ended in shock and disbelief.
Personally, I wasn’t shocked, but I am also in favor of this woman having her uterus removed.
Britney Spears lost custody of her two little embryological experiments to her even less capable sperm donor ex-husband, Kevin Federline.
After failing to undergo court ordered drug screens and parenting classes, Britney was forced to relinquish physical custody of her children until further notice by the courts.
I say it’s about time. For all of those who could care less about Hollywood harlot courtroom drama, you might want to stop reading now. Not that I genuinely care about what happens to her, per se. It would just be nice to see the judicial system actually work.
Moving on. If only we could go back to a happier time, a time when Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears were hot and heavy, and she was defending her virginity, a time when second base was as far as America’s pop princess was willing to go.
Fast-forward to 2007 – Britney Spears’ V-card has been maxed out for quite some time and she has gone from Mickey Mouse Club darling to freelance failure.
There are many people out there who feel sorry for this pop tart and think she is a product of the media’s unrelenting pursuit for her next mistake. I couldn’t disagree more.
I simply think that Britney Spears is trash with money, period. I think she is a prime example of the nature versus nurture debate. She may have all the right genes that are necessary for being a super star performer, but she lacks the class and character (that can only be learned) in order for her to stay on top.
Just because Britney is a multi-millionaire doesn’t mean she will conduct herself in a well mannered fashion.
She makes about $800,000 a month. So what does she do with her money besides buy fat dissolving injections and bad wigs? I have a few ideas and they all involve amphetamines and liquor.
The thing about Britney Spears that is sickening is that she has every available resource to make herself a better person but insists on choosing not to.
Case in point: we live in an appearance-driven society, so let’s start with her appearance.
If I had access to Brit’s bank account, I wouldn’t leave the house without looking like a million bucks. Instead, she traipses around town barefoot and cut-off jean clad. She doesn’t even try to look halfway respectable.
She has the money to give her children everything they could ever want or need, including a professional nanny and driver so that even though she is a terrible mother, she can pay somebody to be a better one.
Instead, she opts to have her children riding in car seats that are installed incorrectly and almost drops her kids on several occasions.
Some say she shaved her head in a cry for help. Please. That dirt bag just got lazy and didn’t feel like maintaining her mop anymore.
Everything about Britney Spears screams “I just don’t give a damn,” and that spills over to her poor parenting skills.
As for team K-Fed, good idea, judge – let’s give the kids to a deadbeat untalented clown who left his prior pregnant girlfriend to be with Britney.
So what if K-Fed is the lesser of the two evils and has already had two kids? Perhaps he can keep his two newest additions from falling off the deep end just like their mother.
Does anyone else see the vicious cycle of poor decision making and lack of contraceptives? Why is sterilization such a bad idea again?
Some might be thinking this is a little harsh, but I think it’s less than a fraction of the tough love this delusional mother needs. It would be one thing if, after making a few mistakes, she changed her ways and decided to clean up her act. But she has repeatedly acted out and should just wear a T-shirt that says, “Here, take my kids, I don’t care anymore.”
That is the message she is sending out by not complying with the courts initial orders.
And, on that note, how does any upstanding lawyer defend a woman who doesn’t even have the decency to wear underwear? I’m not talking about the occasional “Oops, I did it again, I forgot to wear panties, aren’t I cute?” No way.
Her last flash of flesh incident was an intentional attack. Yes, an attack in order to leave the burning image of her post-child birth vagina eternally engraved on the back of our retinal walls. Is this the type of person who needs to have custody of two impressionable young minds? I think not.
On a side note, I read that her album is set to release next month. It would be a sad, sad world if this were also some terrible ploy or publicity stunt in order to give some buzz to the new bubblegum soundtrack to her ever-depressing life. Even I hope this is not the case.
This little lady needs to realize that when you decide to have children, planned or unplanned, you have to grow up. You can’t run around getting jacked up on God knows what and then come home to play Mommy once the high wears off.
I swear, kids these days.