The biggest pun in the South recently is probably hurricane Ivan the Terrible. While this is certainly a quirky little label, we didn’t take the term “terrible” lightly. We were able to ride through Charley with only worrying about vacationing relatives, being overexposed to the Weather Channel and enjoying a few days of cool weather. With Ivan, we were getting shortages of bread, huge traffic jams and generally bad weather.
Thursday, we were stuck in our respective residences without much to do except listen to updates on the radio and try to make sure all of our relatives know that we’re alive. (“No, Grandma, I’m not in a storm shelter, but I’m in Memphis right now.”)
All this can make anyone scared. Television and radio are both good, informative tools, especially in the case of an emergency, but there comes a time to turn it off, or at least turn the volume down and do something else. If you’re wondering when to change the channel, it’s probably when you know each forecaster’s first name and get worried when his or her camera loses the signal.
So what did we do to distract ourselves and keep our sanity? If you didn’t do anything, here’s some suggestions for next time:
* Watch TV. No, not the news. I’m talking about the boob tube. Watch all those brainless sitcoms, reality shows and crime dramas you missed during the week thanks to lots of homework and too many activities. Maybe you’ll actually know what they’re talking about during the Emmy’s.
* Spontaneous party! As long as travelling is safe, this would be the perfect time to huddle away from the weather with all your friends.
* Start a game to name the next hurricanes, staying in alphabetical and gender order. Beware of hurricane Zeke!
* Can’t get to the Perry Cafeteria’s dinner buffet? Missing those wild conglomerations of various types of food? Make your own mismatched meal! Put a frozen pizza in the oven, start up the rice and make some scrambled eggs.
* Make your place safe for all outdoor pets that you have to bring in. I know I learned my lesson. My place is a mess after my fish tore up everything. At least, that’s what I tell anyone who visits.
* Back up your computer files. Please. Before it’s too late. You’ve been warned.
* Eat the Halloween candy you couldn’t resist at Wal-Mart. You can always buy more.
* Put all your relatives on speed-dial. You’ll get sick of punching in those numbers before this is all over anyway.
* Organize your DVD collection by genre, if you have enough DVDs to make that an actual project.
* Clean your place. You’ll feel much better about yourself when you see all the torn-up hurricane-hit places in the news.
* Read those magazines that you have stacked in the corner. Nothing is better than catching up on those beauty tips.
* Have an ’80s fest. Eat Pop Rocks and Coke. Sing “Fresh Prince of Bel-air.” Watch “The Breakfast Club.” Ban slap bracelets. Mourn Michael Jackson and the disappearance of Meatloaf. Play Oregon Trail. I guarantee you and your friends will find new levels of camaraderie.
* Do homework. Yes, you heard what I said. You’ll have the pride in knowing you’ve used your time wisely, even if you don’t have any fun.
* Burn hurricane mix CDs. And jam.
Whatever you do to deal with the stress of waiting out a hurricane, remember to always stay safe and don’t worry. MSU has dealt with hurricanes, floods on the Drill Field, parking wars and the previous few years of Bulldog football. I think we’re up to handling anything.
But be sure to stock up on bread. That’s what hurricanes hit first.
Angela Adair is a senior English major. She can be reached at