“God hates America,” says Fred Phelps, pastor of a hate group that masquerades as a church.
Phelps and his followers from Westboro Church in Topeka, Kan., have gained notoriety for their campaign against our country and against homosexuals. (“God hates fags” is their other rallying cry.) Phelps’ cruelty has no bounds. He pickets even funerals.
He and his group recently ventured to spread their hate in the place of Phelps’ birth-Mississippi.
The Kansas group rallied in Pascagoula and Hattiesburg over the weekend. During the group’s demonstrations against America, they “stand on, drag, spit upon … the flag because it is a symbol not of America, but of fagdom.” If you disagree with such actions, Phelps suggests you “shut your mouth and start worrying about your own soul.”
Does Phelps find anything positive about America? Yes-Sept. 11.
“Thank God for Sept. 11,” some of the protesters’ signs read. Phelps believes tragedies like Sept. 11 and the Columbia shuttle explosion are works of a God sending a message to the country that he hates.
Phelps’ Web site, www.godhatesamerica.com, has this message regarding Sept. 11: “Two years after God, in His providence, brings down the symbol of America’s financial might, made the Pentagon square, and plunged thousands more hateful Americans into hell, you continue to ignore His messengers, and in fact spit in His face by legalizing sinful filth.”
Phelps is often asked why he doesn’t just leave, if he hates America so much. It wouldn’t matter, according to Phelps. He believes God hates every country and that he is God’s main messenger of hate.
There is no tolerance for those outside of Phelps’ realm. God hates America. God hates all countries. God hates everybody except Fred Phelps and those who agree with his twisted views.
He harshly criticizes other Christians who do not preach his message of hate. “It is too late for America. Any preacher who tells you otherwise is lying!” said Phelps in an open letter to the people of Topeka that appeared in the Topeka Capital-Journal.
Not even widely-respected evangelist Billy Graham has escaped his wrath. Phelps has equated Graham with the betrayer, Judas, of the Bible. (When Graham dies, Phelps plans on picketing his funeral, as well.)
Surprisingly, Phelps attended Bible college with Graham. Considering Graham’s message of grace and forgiveness, one wonders whether Phelps and Graham were studying the same Bible. Phelps’ Bible must read something along the lines of “In the beginning God hated…”
Christians across the country have attacked Phelps’ message and tactics, claiming that even if there were any truth in the message, his tactics do not demonstrate the best way to show the love of God. For Phelps’ backward way of thinking, he is showing love.
“We are the only people who truly love you-enough to tell you the truth,” he said.
But Phelps really isn’t interested in you. He isn’t interested in helping anyone. He is only interested in hating. As the designated mouth of God, he basks in the glory of being God’s chief warning siren.
“You will be absolutely without excuse. Your blood will not be on our hands,” he said. Phelps pictures a sadistic heaven in which he and his followers “will have some rich and exciting testimony to give against” all the reprobates of this world.
I might love America. I might love God. I might love the people Phelps calls “fags,” “adulterers” and “whoremongers.” I even might love Fred Phelps.
But I don’t agree with him so that makes me just one more of those “self-proclaimed Christians … nothing more than fuel for the fires of hell.”
No bother, I’ll keep in mind Luke 6:22. “Blessed are you when men hate you.” On behalf of many, thanks for the blessing, Rev. Phelps.
Michael Stewart is a senior philosophy and religion major. He can be reached at mps4@reflector.msstate.edu.