Every day that passes Governor Musgrove further crystallizes his campaign theme: “It’s not my fault.”
Given the governor’s record, this tactic should come as no surprise.
Mississippians have grown accustomed to this type of blame-shifting that has become the trademark of Musgrove’s term and campaign for re-election. What makes this strategy despicable is that it puts Musgrove’s agenda to spare his own reputation over the needs of the state.
It denies Mississippians their right to a campaign of ideas and to an honest debate over education, the economy, tax policy and the myriad of other issues that directly affect the people of this state.
Haley Barbour distinguished himself as the most successful Republican National Committee Chairman of the twentieth century, transforming the political landscape of this country by orchestrating the first Republican majority in Congress in forty years.
This takeover made possible Welfare reform and a balanced budget, policies that helped stem the tide of liberal spending in Washington.
Mississippians deserve better than lost jobs and budget deficits; they deserve the kind of leadership Haley Barbour has proven he can provide.
Kelly Davidson is an agribusiness student.
State needs ‘campaign of ideas’
Kelly Davidson
September 30, 2003