Tony Odom’s March 21 article has as many holes as Swiss cheese. To say that arguing with France is “pointless and silly” is really quite unintelligent. He suggests that Canada not supporting us is a problem. We don’t need Canada and never have. Mr. Odom also says, “Mexico doesn’t support us.” WHO CARES? Canada and Mexico only exist as separate countries because we let them.
He further suggests that we’re “making jackasses of ourselves,” because we’re peacefully boycotting some French products. In fact, the French are making jackasses of themselves. They are protesting by the thousands in Paris, and even formed a mob that destroyed a McDonald’s the other day. If you want to compare changing the names of food and pouring out bottles of champagne with rioting and demolishing an entire restaurant, well everyone has the right to be wrong. The French have also given Iraq $20 billion over the last 5 years for oil (that’s who wants the oil, not us). They also gave them a nuclear reactor..
Chris Loschiavo is a junior Physical Education major.
Writer’s words on France a faux pas
Chris Loschiavo
March 25, 2003