The Tri Delta Sorority raised $3,700 with their Fourth Annual Pancake Party at the Tri Delta House Sept. 19 after the Mississippi State-Auburn football game. All of the money went to the Tri Delta Foundation, which benefits past and present Tri Deltas who need money for various things such as school and family life. Lauren Hancock, the philanthropy chair of Tri Delta, organized the Pancake Party. Although charity was the purpose of the Pancake Party, all who attended also had an enjoyable experience.
After sweating and yelling for an entire football game, many students happily attended the Pancake Party where they could relax. Chris McCann came to the party after the game and said he thought it turned out to be a great success.
“Not only did the Pancake Party benefit a good cause in helping the Tri Delta Foundation, but it gave students an after-game event where they can have fun and socialize with friends,” McCann said.
With the Tri Delta house full of people and surrounded by people, it became hard to tell how many actually showed for the Pancake Party. When Tri Delta member Kara Servov tried to come up with an idea of how many people showed up, she immediately responded “a lot.” After tallying up all of the money, the sorority discovered that nearly 1,000 people attended the party.
Todd Rowan and Drew Dieckman provided entertainment for the Pancake Party with their music. The Paper Place, Occasion’s Gift Shop and The Flower Company helped out the party with donations of balloons, napkins, flowers and eating utensils. The Tri Deltas said they appreciated the contributions made by everyone who helped make the Pancake Party a success.
Tri Delts host Pancake Party
Craig Foster
September 26, 2002