Mississippi State University students selected Parker Wiseman and Kathryn Hooks to be Mr. and Miss MSU in the Homecoming election Oct. 1. “This is absolutely one of the greatest honors I can receive,” Wiseman said. He said he believes that the university is a large part of his life, having grown up around MSU.
“This university has always stood for something more than a university,” Wiseman continued. He said he sees himself as being an ambassador and representative for the university after being elected Mr. MSU. Wiseman will be on the field with the court during the Homecoming game.
Hooks, a senior majoring in communication with an emphasis in public relations, will also be with the court during the game. Her freshman year she was selected as an Orientation leader and later as a Roadrunner.
“It’s the people here that make Mississippi State so special,” Hooks said. “It’s such an honor (to be elected). It was surreal. It took a while to sink in.”
Kelly Flowers of Tupelo, a senior majoring in human sciences, is the 2002 Homecoming Queen at Mississippi State University. She will be presented at Davis Wade Stadium at Scott Field during halftime of the football game against Troy State University.
Akilah Minor, a communication major from Tupelo, and Megan Anderson, a marketing major from Brandon, were elected to be senior maids.
Minor is an executive member of the Black Student Alliance and was nominated by another member to run for Homecoming Court.
“I wasn’t nervous if I won or not; I’d have been satisfied either way. Now, I’m really happy and really excited,” Minor said.
“Being senior maid, I’m proud of that. I’ve never been involved in Homecoming in this capacity. I wasn’t expecting it. I’m just really excited right now,” Minor continued.
“A lot of preparations went into getting prepared for homecoming day. I had to find the perfect dress for Saturday,” Minor said.
“I was completely shocked and honored when I learned I would represent the university as senior maid. I believe it is the responsibility of each member of Homecoming Court to represent the university in a positive manner in all aspects including school spirit and acting as a role model,” Anderson said.
Mary Clare Ehrhardt, a marketing major from Clinton, and Fleming Friend, an elementary education major from Starkville, are the junior maids of the Homecoming Court.
Jeannie Waller, from Jackson, and Emily Miller of Drew, Miss., are this year’s Homecoming sophomore maids.
“I’m excited. I called my dad that night (of elections), and he was really excited. I hope to represent the sophomore class well,” Miller said.
Lindsey Swedenburg, a management major from Columbus, was voted to be one of two freshman maids.
Lindsey Phillips, from Verona, was nominated by her sorority, Phi Mu, to participate and was also voted freshman maid.
“I was excited and surprised. I’m glad I got it. I found out that night of elections,” Phillips said about her initial reaction after hearing she was elected.
“It was exciting. Even if I never got it, it was still an opportunity and honor,” Phillips said.
The Homecoming Court held practices on Tuesday at the band practice field.
During today’s parade, the court will be escorted in convertibles to the pep rally scheduled to be at the Amphitheater at 6:30 p.m.
Saturday begins at 8 a.m. for the court with a brunch at the Bost Auditiorum with the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. From there, they head to Perry Cafeteria for another brunch with the College of Business and Industry. After that, the court makes its way to two more brunches sponsored by the Black Alumni Society and the College of Engineering, respectively. Their day ends at the Alumni House with the Queen’s reception.
The Mississippi State University Homecoming Court will be presented Saturday during halftime. Until then, the court will meet with different organizations on campus. They will also be present for the pep rally.
2002 Homecoming Court
Kelly Unwin
October 10, 2002
Sam Freeman – The Reflector
Bottom Row from L to R Fleming Friend, Akilah Minor, Queen Kelly Flowers, Mary Clare Ehrhardt, and Megan Anderson. Top Row from L to R