We thought we had seen the last of Vic Zitta’s fight for an investigation of the Justice Complex petition review process.
We were wrong.
Tuesday, once again, Zitta gave a lengthy presentation outlining why he thought some Starkville voters had been recently disenfranchised. Much of it was the same-he read aloud from a list of names that had been disqualified from the Justice Complex petition. He pointed out small differences between people’s signatures and the names printed on their voter registration. “You have been disenfranchised,” he told several members of the audience who had signed the petition and been disqualified.
Some of it was different. He used a reference to Viktor Yushchenko this time, the Ukrainian president elected in December after a public outcry of election fraud. Last time it was Iraqis.
Zitta’s efforts are probably in vain, but it’s nice to see him still trying. He believes the city has been wrong and he’s sticking to his guns.
We support his tenacity.
The Reflector editorial board is made up of opinion editor Angela Adair, news editor Elizabeth Crisp, assistant news editor Jed Pressgrove sports editor Jeff Edwards, entertainment editor Dustin Barnes, managing editor Pam McTeer and editor in chief Josh Foreman.