Sarah Dutton
The Mississippi State University campus is alive again as students returned to school this week. The Drill Field, Colvard Student Union, and various buildings were filled with students and faculty as they began a new semester.
The spring semester has started here at Mississippi State University and students are beginning their new routines.
After about a month off from school, getting back into an everyday routine can be difficult for students. Usually the first week of school consists of students trying to wake up early for class, find the location of new class buildings, decide times to eat lunch and set new study times.
During the first week of a new semester, timing is everything. Students have to calculate almost every minute of their school day. Students who live off campus have to calculate how long it takes for them to arrive and how long it will take to hike from East parking to Dorman Hall.
Junior Communications major Summer Tadlock said she prepares for the new semester after the first week of classes are over.
“Honestly, I like to go to my classes and get a feel for them before I jump into them,” Tadlock explained.
The beginning of the semester is always a very costly time. If students prepare properly, they could almost always save hundreds of dollars. Supplies and textbooks play a major role in the costs of a new semester.
“I like to wait until the end of the first week before buying my supplies because sometimes textbooks for specific classes are bought and never used,” Tadlock said. “So I like to wait just to be sure I am not wasting any money.”
Job Rivera, freshman civil engineering major, said he is preparing for the semester in a different way. Rivera said waking up for classes is the most difficult part.
“Over Christmas break, I would stay up late almost every night and literally use every part of the day to spend time with friends and family,” Rivera said. “I would sleep in late to make up for my late night. Now that school has started, I am having to mentally prepare myself for my early classes.”
Starting the new semester with a plan will lead to success at MSU. Creating good study habits and setting reasonable goals aid in the transition to a new year.