Watching “The Lion King” for the first time in at least 10 years was nostalgic, but watching it with a theater full of college students and “old kids” at midnight, all singing along and quoting the characters, was an experience. Bringing the movie back in 3-D was a great move on Disney’s part because it was enjoyed by several generations, many of which were giddy to see it again in theaters.
The original voice-overs were used in this re-release. I spent half of the movie trying to remember the voice actor’s name who played Mufasa, Simba’s father, probably most popular for his part in “Star Wars” as Darth Vader, James Earl Jones. Other popular voice actors who stood out to me were co-stars of “The Producers” (2005) Nathan Lane (who played Timone) and Matthew Broderick, voice of adult Simba as well as Cheech Marin and Whoopi Goldberg as two of the three main hyenas.
The 3-D effects added to the movie were initially pretty impressive. I thought, “Woah, birds,” in the beginning scene when the animals group at the Pride Rock. As the movie progressed, it was just something I got used to. First-time viewers would get a better experience from watching the 3-D version though, because the climactic points are more emphasized and just cooler.
As with many childhood favorites, “The Lion King” was a fun movie to watch again as an adult with the addition of 3-D effects in theater.