If you are or have ever been in college, you probably have or have been a roommate, and if you’ve ever been a roommate, you’ve either been a good roomie or a bad one.
It’s a little hard to view yourself from an objective perspective when it comes to this matter. For example, I’m not sure if I’m a goodie or a baddie. I like to buy cacti and flowers for everyone, and I also make a slew of baked goods far too often.
However, I’m also incredibly forgetful and messy. There are five pairs of my shoes in our den right now. I like to pretend I am the pied piper of stray kitties though one of my roommates is slightly allergic. Also, I snore. Sorry, y’all. (Is there some sort of club or support group I can join for girls who snore? Shoot me an email if this exists. I’ll bring cookies to the next meeting.)
What I do know is I have been incredibly lucky these three years in college, and would like to thank my roommates (Katy, Gracy, Allie, Anna and Mary, you guys are choice) for being super awesome and lovely, and for serving as my inspiration. Because I’m basically going to tell you everything they do, and tell you to do it, too.
Robert Fulghum said all he really needed to know he learned in kindergarten. You probably learned everything you need to know about being a good roommate in kindergarten, too. Things like:
Use your inside voice. Living in a household in which the inhabitants have impromptu rain dances in the yard and can generally be found hoopin’ and hollerin’ means this rule is not something strictly adhered to. However, when people are asleep, it’s best to keep your voice down. Don’t start belting the theme song from “Dawson’s Creek” at four in the morning when all your roommates are snoozing. No. Just, no.
Share. This one is all about reciprocity. One person shouldn’t be doing all the sharing. For example, if your roommate bakes a plate of cookies and lets you have some, how about next time his printer is out of ink, let him use yours? Most things in life are a two-way street and being a roommate is no exception.
Take turns. There is one bathroom in my house for four ladies, so this rule is extremely vital. I’m increasingly surprised every day that we have yet to run into any restroom snafus. Just be courteous. Don’t lock yourself in the bathroom for hours reading “Tiger Beat” on the toilet. I know it’s tempting, but just do your business then get outta there!
Don’t hit people. Hopefully nobody needs to be told this. However, maybe you want to pick a fight with your roommate because you drank too much peach schnapps and are feeling a little feisty. In which case, let me remind you: violence is never the answer, even if she did wear your scrunchie without asking. Just let it go.
Just be sweet, you guys. Be nice, have fun and if you’re like me, maybe you ought to buy some Breathe Right strips.
Golden rules for the good roommate
October 19, 2011
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