Tuesday, September 28
• 8:43 a.m.A student passed out at Carpenter Hall. The subject was not transported to OCH Regional Hospital.
• 11:14 a.m. A student reported her bicycle missing from Hand Laboratory.
• 4:50 p.m. A student reported his bicycle stolen from Hathorn Hall.
• 6:43 p.m.A student reported his bicycle stolen from the Colvard Student Union.
Wednesday, September 29
• 3:45 p.m.A employee reported a laptop computer missing from the Herzer Building.
• 3:46 p.m.A visitor reported his belongings missing from his vehicle in the Sanderson Center parking lot.
• 5:19 p.m.A visitor reported via telephone his identity was stolen when he lived in Suttle Hall in 2007.
• 10:22 p.m.A student reported her cell phone missing from the Drill Field.
• 10:41 p.m.A student was arrested for possession of marijuana and driving on a suspended
Bad Dawgs September 28-29
September 29, 2010
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