According to the latest news, the United States is in the midst of the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression of 1929, the largest and most severe economic depression of the 20th century. It is used as an example and comparison for today’s current economic situation. In fact, there is an evident and noticeable difference in the economic statistics today and those of 10 years ago.
Now let’s take a closer look. Look around you. Many everyday people, especially college students, don’t show that the change in the economy is having a vast effect on them. Now don’t get me wrong, I see the decreases in refund checks and the unavailability of financial aid, but if you examine your life prior to this economic fall, do you really live your life differently?
Let’s play this one out. When you got up this morning, what did you do? You woke from a bed that is still supported by a frame, a spring, a mattress and the sheets that you have known since the beginning of time. You walked to the bathroom, used your regular toiletries and took a glance into your closet.
Now each of us have a different style, but we all want to look presentable. But we all know fashion is one of those things that are more important to some than others.
Think about how much you have spent on the things you have in your closet, in your room, on your car and in other aspects of your life. Did the condition of the economy really have a vast impact on many of those choices?
I’m sure the economy has affected some of you in a more crucial manner and you may not think about it in the way I described, but we also must recognize this recession has taught us that many of the things we thought were necessities are really not and it is possible for us to spend less money and live more manageable lives.
For example, gas prices have been one of the main complaints since the start of this recession, but there is a brighter side. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there has been a significant drop in the number of accidents, perhaps because there are fewer people just riding around because they have nothing else to do, and automobile sales are a lower than they used to be.
We are also a lot smarter when it comes to shopping for things that truly are necessities such as food, toiletries and other products. All in all, this experience may not be the best, but we have seen some good results.
So yes, I believe we are experiencing both a physical and mental recession. I’m not saying that a recession is the best thing that could have happened to us, but like every other tough situation, we must try to see the bright side of things. If we are going to play the victim, we must make sure that the situation truly does apply to us in such a way that it really does change the course of our lives. Everything does happen for a reason, and we must try to cope the best way we know how.
Examine your life today. Are you truly recessed or is that just your claim to fame?
Stedmond Ware is a sophomore majoring in biological sciences. He can be contacted at