After more then a decade of speculation, Mississippi State University administrators are beginning to finalize plans for the construction of a parking garage just north of the old YMCA Building.
The expected 1,250-space garage is slated to break ground after the demolition of Suttle Hall and open at the beginning of the fall 2011 or fall 2012 semester. Final approval must be given by university President Mark Keenum and the IHL Board of Commissioners in order for construction to begin.
Mike Harris, director of parking operations at MSU, said this is the closest the garage concept has ever come to being a reality.
“We currently have a consultant in place [Walker Consultants] and have put together a layout and vision for how this garage should be built,” Harris said. “What has taken so long in making this work is we’ve had a lot of administrative changes in the past decade, and it’s been difficult to get such a large commitment off the ground.”
Harris said the overall height and width of the structure has yet to be determined, but it should not stand taller than the YMCA Building.
“Depending on how big a footprint you want will determine the size of the garage,” he said. “We could start with an underground level and then build up or build a wider structure with fewer levels. Either way, the building will have a brick exterior and not be just a concrete structure.”
Concerns have been raised about the location of the garage being in an already densely populated area of campus.
Tim Muzzi, associate director for architectural planning and construction, said placing the garage behind the YMCA makes the most sense for the university.
“It’s a good location because of the terrain and the elevations that are already established in that area,” Muzzi said. “Because of the elevation, you could have four different entrances and exits while being near well traveled spots such as the Union and the football stadium.”
Muzzi said although the garage is not a done deal, this is the most serious MSU has come in building one. He said he expects a final decision on the structure by the end of the year.
Whether or not the university builds a parking garage could be decided on one factor: funding.
Current cost of the facility ranges anywhere from $18 to $30 million and would be funded through parking decal and citation fees. Harris said the great variance in price depends on what goes into the space.
“We have thought about adding some retail spaces inside of the garage for some additional dining options or other commercial opportunities,” he said. “This is something we have seen become successful at the University of Arkansas and University of North Carolina, and it gives the structure more use than only parking.”
In order to pay for its completion, Harris said price increases for decals will occur.
“Decals will have even more of an increase if we do a garage but not as dramatically as what happened at Southern [Mississippi] when they built their garage,” he said. “They increased decals from $50 to $135; luckily we won’t have to be that severe.”
Undeclared sophomore Olivia Turner said she thinks MSU is long overdue for a large-scale garage.
“The parking on campus can be so bad at times, and I think we need a garage as soon as we can get one,” Turner said. “As long as it doesn’t look like a concrete box, I think it could benefit the university, and I wouldn’t mind paying to have a spot in it.”
With the goal of 22,000 students by 2015 set by President Mark Keenum, Harris said the garage could be a major step in withstanding the significant increase in enrollment.
“After you get the first parking garage built, then you automatically begin thinking about a second one,” he said. “We are also looking into going into the community and picking up students at apartment complexes and at a ‘park and ride’ program too.”
More parking: coming soon
Patrick Young
November 17, 2009