Friday, March 27
• 12:04 a.m. A student on West Main Street was arrested for driving under the influence.
• 12:07 a.m. A student on Nash Street was arrested for being a minor in possession of beer.
• 12:24 a.m. A student on University Drive was arrested for being a minor in possession of beer.
• 12:30 a.m. A student was arrested and issued a student referral for public drunkenness and being a minor in possession of beer.
• 12:32 a.m. Students on Fraternity Row were issued a summons and student referrals for being minors in possession of beer.
• 2:39 a.m. A student was arrested and issued a referral on Fraternity Row for possession of a firearm on school property.
• 5:21 p.m. A student at Sessums Hall reported having trouble breathing. Student was transported to Oktibbeha County Hospital by ambulance.
• 8:38 p.m. A student was reported having a seizure at McCool Hall. The student was transported to OCH by ambulance.
• 10:01 p.m. An employee reported damage to her vehicle’s tail light at the Bost Extension Center.
• 11:20 p.m. A student on University Drive was arrested for possession of false identification and being a minor in possession of alcohol.
• 11:23 p.m. A student was arrested on University Drive for possession of an open container.
Saturday, March 28
• 12:04 a.m. A student on University Drive was arrested for DUI and speeding.
• 12:55 a.m. A student on Barr Avenue was arrested for public drunkenness.
• 2:29 p.m. A student at Sessums Hall was arrested and issued a student referral for possession of marijuana and paraphernalia.
• 3 a.m. A student was arrested on Oktibbeha drive for causing a disturbance.
• 9:07 a.m. A student reported damage to his vehicle while parked in the Hathorn Hall parking lot.
Sunday, March 29
• 1:35 a.m. A student was arrested on Barr Avenue for first offense DUI, disregard for a traffic control device, a seat belt violation and being a minor in possession of beer.
• 2:30 p.m. A juvenile injured her knee at the Agricenter, but was not transported to the hospital.
• 5:40 p.m. A student reported someone backed into her vehicle while she was parked in the parking lot in front of the Chapel of Memories.