Mississippi State students have an opportunity to show off for their peers as the Holmes Cultural Diversity Center hosts a series of talent shows called “Decades of Diversity.” Each show is themed after a particular historical decade, and the acts presented at each show must be based on the show’s decade theme. The first show took place Thursday night and had an ’80s theme. Upcoming shows are themed after the ’90s and ’70s.
The three talent shows take place in the three resident hall zones on campus. Thursday night’s show took place at the south zone in Rice Hall.
The ’90s show on Sept. 27 will be at the central zone in Ruby Hall, and the ’70s show on Oct. 4 will be at the North Zone in McKee Hall.
The location, however, has no bearing on who may compete. All students, both on and off campus, and faculty are welcome.
“Our goal is to get everybody involved,” Holmes Cultural Diversity Center peer counselor Alex Washington said. “Our purpose is to get all backgrounds and to see everyone’s preference in music.”
Singing isn’t the only skill that can be showcased at the talent shows. Many other abilities, including dance and poetry recital, are welcome.
Due to some miscommunication, Thursday night’s show ended up including musical acts from all decades, but the future shows will be sticking to their themes.
Despite the error, the show brought in several students, and competitors thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
“I just love to sing. I love to be in front of a crowd on stage,” said Trenay Stallings, a freshman chemistry major, who performed “This Little Light of Mine” a cappella alongside her friend Melanie Yates.
“I just feel like I have a talent and I wanted to show it,” said Keshia Collins, a freshman marketing major, who performed a dance to Ciara’s “Promise,” said. “I wanted to show people a different side of me.”
Through the program, the Holmes Cultural Diversity Center hopes to include more than its usual selection of students. To do this, workers employed the help of the resident hall’s directors and advisers, asking them to encourage their residents to not be shy and to participate.
“Their residents are more diverse than our counselees,” Washington said. “Our counselees are normally minority and transfer students.
Winners from each of the shows will be performing at Fall Harvest on Nov. 6.
The deadline for the Sept. 27 ’70s themed show is Sept. 25. The deadline for the Oct. 4 nineties show is Oct. 2.
Talent showcases decades of music
Matt Clark
September 25, 2007