Melissa Harper is a senior majoring in biological sciences. She can be contacted at abundance of cheesy campaign commercials and yard signs can only mean one thing: election year is nigh. Most importantly, the presidential election is hovering over our heads and we as students need to make sure we are informed and voting.
There is nothing I hate more than someone who complains about things and does not vote.
OK, maybe I hate John Arthur Eaves’ commercials more than non-voters. His campaign for Christ is just obnoxious.
Many students aren’t even aware of who all is in the running to be the next leader of the free world. Well, let me tell you, it’s kind of scary.
The scariest I would have to say would be the wife of our former president, Mr. Bill “I-Didn’t-Inhale” Clinton.
No, I don’t think it is scary because she is a Democrat or a woman. I am a fan of anyone who has a brain and uses it, male or female, donkey or elephant.
It is for one reason that I think we should all be scared. Hillary Clinton thinks money grows on trees. More specifically, the trees that surround the White House.
She thinks the United States treasury is a never-ending abyss filled with cash and solid gold bars.
Her recent “proposal” is absolutely absurd. I only quote proposal since it is not official yet, but it’s in the works.
Recently, Clinton announced that she would like to see every baby born in the United States granted a $5,000 savings bond.The bond would increase over time so that they can use it for college or a house when they come of age.
Sounds swell except for the fact that our country consists of millions and millions people, and we do not live in the northernmost corner of Russia. How does she suppose she is going to make a plan of this magnitude happen? I have no idea, and I’m pretty sure she doesn’t either.
Four million babies are born in the United States every year. That would be $20 billion that we would give to these little munchkins; billion with a “B.”
Where in the world would this money come from?
I’ll tell you. It would come from our parents and any other taxpayer out there who works everyday.
It will require a hefty tax increase to make this happen, and it’s just not worth it.
It’s not that I do not care about the next generation; I’m simply not a big fan of politicians playing the sensitive mother card in order to win over votes.
I’m sure this sounds like a good idea to some people, but once upon a time, so did communism. Just think – “every baby born in America,” she says.
Does this include illegal immigrants who rush over the border to give birth so that their children inherit the money? Does this include illegal immigrants who are already here?
Even if we had unlimited funds to do this without a spike in taxes, wouldn’t it make more sense not to give away money to babies but to high school seniors who have chosen to go to college? Wouldn’t it make sense to give it to newlywed couples who are trying to by their first home?
We should not be giving it to any thumbsucker out there who happens to have a mom who resides in the United States. Why reward someone who has yet to show any promise?
Just because a baby is cute and cuddly doesn’t mean it will grow up to actually do something worthwhile with its life. We shouldn’t be giving away money to just anybody.
We need to reserve funds like that for people who are actually going to go to college or get a job and buy a home so one day they can be the taxpayers for the next generation. It’s not rocket science; it’s just plain ol’ common sense.
On a side note, believe it or not, I have heard of some women getting pregnant to get a tax break for that year or more money on their welfare checks. Wouldn’t this proposal only encourage those same women who lack logical mathematical reasoning to become with child so their babies can have an easy five grand? Of course it does.
Hillary Clinton knows this. I know she really wants to help American families because, after all, “children are our future.”
But I feel she would be hurting them by waving her magic presidential wand, and bam – $5,000 savings bonds for everyone.
As far as helping American families goes, here’s an idea: don’t have children unless you can afford them. Wow. That’s just so crazy it might actually work.
Sen. Clinton is trying to tug at the heart strings of every woman out there by saying, “Hey, your babies will be taken care of if I am elected,” when she should be saying, “Hey, rear your children the right way and they won’t need the government to take care of them.”
Furthermore, I am all for helping people, but you need to help people who are willing to help themselves. There is so much money already out there that is available for college scholarships and grants. There is no need for these so-called baby bonds. Anybody who wants it badly enough can get their hands on money for college.
The baby bond idea is only a poorly thought-out ploy to win votes. Personally, I do not want a president who just throws out ideas like this without any real thought.
I also don’t want a president who thinks the American public is too stupid to catch on to her harebrained buffoonery. Yes, I said buffoonery.