Monday, Nov. 26 4:19 p.m. Student turned himself in to the Starkville Police Department on Lampkin Street on a warrant issued for speeding, failure to appear in court.
10:13 a.m. Mississippi State student forgot that he left his Remington Model 700 30-06 rifle in the front passenger seat of his Jeep while parked in the Alpha Tau Omega House parking lot. Student was referred to the Dean of Students and the weapon was seized until the serial numbers cleared with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
12:59 p.m. Student reported damage to his vehicle while parked in the McComas Day Lot on Nov. 20.
3:24 p.m. Student was transported to Oktibbeha County Hospital after reporting severe chest pains and trouble breathing in Montgomery Hall.
4:48 p.m. Aramark employee reported four induction range cookers stolen from the Colvard Student Union Food Court sometime last week.
Tuesday, Nov. 27
1:23 p.m. Student’s apartment in Aiken Village caught fire while she was out.
1:23 p.m. Student reported her apartment in Aiken Village suffered no damage caused by the fire in the apartment above.
6:01 p.m. Student reported finding damage to her vehicle to her vehicle while parked on Barr Avenue.
7:45 p.m. Employee was involved in a car accident and complained of chest and neck pain.
7:47 p.m. Employee reported his vehicle received minor damage to the front bumper in the small lot behind the Roberts Building.
Wednesday, Nov. 28
2:12 a.m. Student was arrested on Highway 12 and Spring Street for speeding, seatbelt violation and driving under the influence/refusal.
2:22 a.m. Student was arrested on Highway 12 near Spring Street for possession of an open container.
2:22 a.m. Student was arrested on Highway 12 and Spring Street for possession of an open container.
12:59 p.m. Faculty reported receiving a disturbing phone call at Allen Hall.
Bad Dawgs for Nov. 26 – 28
November 30, 2007