I am a junior accounting major student here at MSU, and I want to voice my opinion regarding the fact that alcohol should be sold on Sunday. To me personally, I don’t believe that alcohol should be sold on Sundays simply because it’s a sacred day set aside for Christians to worship God. I am in fact a Christian and a student who doesn’t drink and has never had an alcoholic drink.
I don’t want to walk out of Bulldog Lanes on a Sunday and see someone stumbling out of the bar that’s located next to it because they’re drunk. I am a firm believer of alcohol not being sold on Sundays, and I appreciate the stores that do not sell alcohol on Sundays.
One of the Ten Commandments is to remember the Sabbath Day, and keep it holy. Whether students, faculty or people in general believe it or not, Sunday is in fact the Sabbath Day, and it should be kept holy by not drinking alcohol on Sundays.
I do understand that there are other religions here (at MSU and even in Starkville) that have different days to celebrate different things, but Christianity is not only sweeping MSU, Starkville and Mississippi, but it’s also sweeping the United States, which means that there is a majority rule for people like me.
I personally don’t believe alcohol should be sold period because it’s harmful to the human body, but that would put many manufacturers out of business who make alcohol, so that’s not going to happen.
Also, the SEC rating Starkville the worse place to party is fine with me because here many students are not here to party but to get an education. If you want to party, then fine, do your thing, but don’t take away opportunities for people who have better things to do than drink.
Also, as far as the Equal Protection Clause in the Constitution goes, everyone has a voice, and not everyone is going to agree on the same thing, but when it comes to issues such as this, that clause shouldn’t even matter.
Anyway, I believe the only laws that need to be followed are the laws that are in the Bible. If students want to go and party and get drunk, then college is not for them. College is for helping people become successful, not alcoholics.
Letter to the Editor
Krystle Hunter
February 2, 2007