1. The excitement for an Ole Miss loss is equivalent to the birth of a baby.
2. The sound of cowbells ringing is a sweet sweet, sound to your ears.
3. You use the word “dawg” in normal conversation.
4. You avoid walking through the Drill Field at all costs during election week.
5. You are not scared of the mighty Rebel-Black Bears.
6.90 percent of your flex dollars were spent on Zoca’s Nachos.
7. The Chapel of Memories is your secret getaway.
8. Naps are best on campus – benches, trees, classrooms. Who needs a bed?
9. Mama Jean may or may not be your best friend.
10. A picnic on the Drill Field is the best way to end any day.
11. Admittedly or not, you have been to Cowbells. And you enjoyed it.
12. You have or plan to own a bulldog in the near future.
13. You are never too old for late night Griffis Pizza. Ever.
14. You are extremely OCD about the color maroon. Purple is not maroon. I repeat, purple is not maroon.
15. You have seriously considered boycotting MSU parking services.
16. You feel like a boss while ringing your cowbell to “Grindin’ For My State”.
17. You have memorized the “Dawg Pound Rock”.
18. Dr. Carskadon’s birthday song makes you giggle every time.
19. A morning without a tiramisu from the State Fountain Bakery is not a morning at all.
20. You have had a near death-experience between you and a biker.
21. You become a crazed fan when seeing Dan Mullen running on campus.
22. You thorougly enjoy waiting in line for student tickets. True Maroon.
23. You have risked your life riding on the back of the Bully Patrol golf carts.
24. You love Shipley’s Donuts. Duh.
25. Your state has been referred to as a “land mass.” This is Our Land Mass.
You Might be an MSU Student If…
September 16, 2012
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