A new literary and art magazine being developed by the Shackouls Honors College has begun accepting submissions from students interested in having his or her work published next fall.
The still unnamed magazine is the brainchild of Christopher Snyder, dean of the honors college, and will be managed by a group of students.
Only undergraduate students enrolled in the honors college are eligible to apply as an editor for the magazine, but any student, regardless of major, may submit their work.
Gracy Hewes, junior kinesiology major and president of the honors council, said she and Snyder recognized the need for an outlet where students could have their work published. She said The Reflector gives student journalists a chance to have their work published, and the honors college wanted to give a similar opportunity to other creative students on campus.
“I know students who work at The Reflector get to see their work whenever a paper comes out, and I know they take pride in that,” she said. “We wanted other students to have that chance as well.”
Snyder and Hewes selected Julia Pendley, junior English major and managing editor at The Reflector, as the lead editor for the project.
Pendley said the magazine will feature multiple literary and art forms including poetry, short stories, essays, paintings, sketches, photography and anything else students would like to submit. Any photos submitted should be of high quality and resolution.
She said the magazine will include print and online editions with the print edition either running monthly or bimonthly.
“My goal is to have the first issue go to print by the end of September or the beginning of October,” Pendley said.
Pendley is one of three students working on the project. She is currently being assisted by Field Brown, junior English major, and Morgan Marrero, sophomore biological engineering major.
Pendley said she is searching for an editor for the arts section and especially encourages students with previous publication experience to apply.
Contests will be held in the fall to encourage students to submit material. Student works can be submitted through email or personally delivered to the magazine’s office, a room in Griffis the honors college has set aside for the magazine operations.
Hewes said the new magazine will differ from the Jabberwock Review, a literary magazine funded by the College of Arts & Sciences and the Department of English, because content will come strictly from students. The Jabberwock Review currently accepts submissions from anyone regardless of their affiliation with Mississippi State University.
Submissions and inquiries for the new magazine should be sent via email to [email protected].
“We don’t really have a set-in-stone vision for the publication right now,” Hewes said. “We want to let Julia (Pendley) and the other students involved to really have the say as to what the magazine looks like and what direction it will go.”
Snyder was out of his office Monday and unavailable for comment prior to deadline.
Honors college develops new literary magazine
April 2, 2012
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